Sunday, October 19, 2008

RSS Blog Assignment 2

RSS news feeds taken from multiple sources has enabled me to expand my worldview of current events. I'm amazed by the wide differences of opinions held by journalists on issues associated with the U.S. elections, Russian hegemony, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the depressed economy. I've discovered how world news can be influenced by the political inclinations held by so-called "independent" news reporting agencies. For instance, Fox News appears to be supportive of religious right-wing republican fat cats who espouse conservative ideals, whereas National Public Radio (NPR) kowtows to leftist liberal do-gooders who want "change" from the status quo in Washington.

Many international news services including the Voice of America, Radio Marti, and
Aljazeera regularly distribute information dictated by low level bureaucrats as a means of destabilizing enemy governments. These broadcasts are transmitted by people who are intent on changing public opinion and shaping foreign policy. In my opinion there is an absence of truly independent news reporting services in the free world.

An amalgam of information taken from multiple sources is necessary to extract reliable and credible information concerning global events. There are always at least two sides to every story and the truth seems to fall somewhere in the middle. As a result my quest for accurate data involves sifting through a lot of garbage. However, RSS subscriptions to several news organizations have enabled me to organize this search process. Rather than proceeding with a time-consuming search process I can now subscribe to news organizations that are objective and unbiased in their reporting practices.

Recently I've been following news reports that have chronicled the $750 billion dollar bailout of several Wall Street financial concerns. Fox News has been very supportive of governmental efforts to stabilize the situation through an infusion of taxpayer monies. Several reports broadcast by National Public Radio (NPR) suggest that the financial collapse of Wall Street was a manufactured event designed by corporate executives to recuse themselves from their own miscalculation of market conditions. The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) has filed a comprehensive series of reports detailing root causes that precipitated the global financial collapse. In my opinion these reports have offered a more balanced and objective view of the problem. Despite the conflicting views taken by corporate or government owned news agencies, I remain steadfast in my determination to seek out truthful answers to difficult questions.

1 comment:

Dr. Z said...

Sounds like you have been keeping up on the news through your RSS.